Dancing with Ancestors
Every 4th Wednesday 6:45pm to 9:00pm at Juice Truck, 28 W 5th Avenue, Vancouver
5/25/16 Mini Delights – Constellations with stones, in pairs, and in triads
6/22/16 Body-Mind-Spirit Constellations – Look into the relationship between your body, mind and spirit
7/27/16 Family Constellations – Disentangle with your families and restore the order of love
8/24/16 Prosperity Constellations – Discover who/what your money monster is and get rid of it!
9/28/16 Nature & Animal Constellations – Explore your concerns for nature and animals
10/26/16 Chaos Constellations – A celebration of chaos, liberation, and freedom!
Registration required. $25 per workshop. Register with Ming 778-883-2238 or ming@truepresencecounselling.com
For an example of how constellation looks like click on the link below